
Star Forming Region LH 95.

Star Forming Region LH 95.
How do stars form? To better understand this complex and chaotic process, astronomers used the Hubble Space Telescope to image in unprecedented detail the star forming region LH 95 in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy. Usually only the brightest, bluest, most massive stars in a star forming region are visible, but the above image was taken in such high resolution and in such specific colors that many recently formed stars that are more yellow, more dim, and less massive are also discernable. Also visible in the above scientifically colored image is a blue sheen of diffuse hydrogen gas heated by the young stars, and dark dust created by stars or during supernova explosions. Studying the locations and abundances of lower mass stars in star forming regions and around molecular clouds helps uncover what conditions were present when they formed. LH 95 spans about 150 light years and lies about 160,000 light years away toward the southern constellation of the Swordfish (Dorado.)


恒星是如何形成的?为了更好的理解这个复杂且混乱的过程,天文学家曾用哈勃太空望远镜以前所未有的精度对在距银河系不远的大麦哲伦云星系中恒星形成区LH95拍摄了这张照片。通常情况下(指一般的观测精度下)只有那些最蓝的,质量最大的恒星才在恒星形成区中可见,但是以上的照片有着如此之高的空间分辨率和颜色精度 ,以至于许多不久前形成的比较偏黄色的比较暗淡的并且质量比较小的恒星也被辨识出来。另外,在这张彩色照片上还可看到被年轻恒星加热的弥散的氢云发出蓝色的光辉,以及超新星爆发产生的尘埃。研究低质量恒星在恒星形成区和附近的分子云中的位置和丰度可以帮助人们理解它们形成时候的情况。LH95的尺度跨越150亿光年,它位于天空中南鱼座,距我们160,000光年。

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